Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Stuttering Is The Most Common Speech Disorder - 1116 Words

All people stumble over words; however, they quickly move on from it. For a person who suffers from stuttering just the simple anticipation of a disfluency occurring can have a person filled with fear, anxiety and even anger. Stuttering can prevent people from wanting to engage in social situations with the fear of embarrassment that their disorder can cause them. Stuttering is a fluency disorder which causes interruptions in the flow of speech. These interruptions are called disfluencies and can affect people of all ages. Although more than 70 million people stutter worldwide, 3 million of them Americans, stuttering is the least common speech disorder. Children are affected by stuttering between the ages of two and five. Boys are twice as likely to stutter as girls. About one percent or less of adults stutter. Stuttering is inherited, there are no known environmental causes. If a person has inherited this trait it can be triggered by a traumatic event. â€Å"After stuttering has started, other factors may cause more disfluencies. For example, a child who is easily frustrated may be more likely to tighten or tense speech muscles when disfluencies occur. Such tension may increase how long a disfluency lasts† (asha.org). Stuttering is hidden disorder and it is completely unknown whether or not someone stutters until they speak and their stuttering occurs. However, even then people who are not familiar with this disorder, will not realize that a person has it. There areShow MoreRelatedSpeech : Speech And Speech1735 Words   |  7 Pagestheir speech and communication skills, are often hard to understand; however, having a speech disorder, such as a stutter, on top of that may make it near impossible for anyone to understand what that child is struggling to say. Stuttering is just one of the many speech disorders that make children’s speech even harder to understand. Even sentences that might be a basic sentence to say might come out muffled, broken up, or distorted in some other way, if a child has a stutter or another speech deficiencyRead MoreThe Effects Of Stuttering On The Nervous System1006 Words   |  5 Pagesworks as a speech therapist, there are multiple cases where you will deal with clients whose dysfluencies are caused by a deficiency in the nervous system. The nervous system is the control center of the body. Any damage to this system can cause long lasting affects to all the other systems. A person may have a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or a tumor that may result in dysfluency. Neurogenic stuttering is a type of dysfluency that can arise due to damage to the nervous system. Stuttering is involuntaryRead MoreA Study On Stuttering And Its Effects On The Lives Of The Tongue, Lips, And Throat1513 Words   |  7 PagesEpidemiology Stuttering, also called stammering or fluency disorder, inhibits the afflicted person from speaking with ease due to the â€Å"involuntary, repetitive, prolongation or cessation† of sounds when trying to speak. Stuttering is a repetition of initial/sound repetition of single syllable word ( I..I..want more cookies or I want, I want, I want the cup.) There are also some core features and secondary features of stuttering. The Core features includes Repetitions, (My-my-my-hat), Prolongations(rrrrraaabit)Read MoreThe Effects Of Stuttering On The Nervous System992 Words   |  4 Pagesworks as a speech therapist there are multiple cases where you will deal with clients whose dysfluencies are caused by a deficiency in the nervous system. The nervous system is the control center of the body. Any damage to this system can cause long lasting affects to all the other systems. A person may have a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or a tumor that may result in dysfluency. Neurogenic stu ttering is a type of dysfluency that can arise due to damage to the nervous system. Stuttering is involuntaryRead MoreThe First Day Of School946 Words   |  4 PagesAll too common I could imagine students saying, Did she happen to forget her name?, Can she talk a little slower?, or What is wrong with her?. Times like this, made me wonder about my lack of speech skills in front of a group of people. Why do I either speak so fast-- where what I say sounds like one word-- or when I speak I am not able to clearly pronounce the syllables of a word? As I began to research, I realized this difficulty, complicated style of speaking is called stuttering. Why doRead MoreStuttering Is A Communication Disorder That Involuntary Effects The Fluency Of Speech1479 Words   |  6 PagesStuttering Stuttering is a communication disorder that involuntary effects the fluency of speech. Disfluencies in speech include both â€Å"nonstuttered† and â€Å"stuttered† disfluencies. â€Å"Nonstuttered† disfluencies include interjections, revisions, phrase repetitions, and other. Everyone produces disfluencies in their speech at times making â€Å"nonstuttered† disfluencies more typical in speech. â€Å"Stuttered† disfluencies are less typical and include word repetitions, sound/syllable repetitions, prolongationsRead MoreSocial Anxiety Disorder And The Speech Of The Individual ( Asha )1527 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Stuttering is a fluency disorder that affects the speech of the individual (ASHA). Stuttering causes interferences in the speech that are signified as â€Å"disfluencies† (ASHA). These disfluencies may be presented in different ways. There may be repetitions of words, pauses, prolongation of words, and/or may include multiple â€Å"ums† in the speech (ASHA). These interruptions in speech may negatively affect the communication of individuals who stutter. Many times, the individuals is aware ofRead MoreChildhood Stuttering : A Narrative Review1553 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood Stuttering: A Narrative Review Yaruss (2004) introduces childhood stuttering as a communication disorder characterized by atypical disfluencies that interrupt the smooth flow of speech. Some disfluencies, such as phrase repetitions, revisions, interjections, and pauses, are common in the speech of typically developing children; however, atypical disfluencies such as prolongations, blocks, and part or whole-word repetitions may be indicative of developmental, or childhood, stuttering (YarussRead MoreWhat Is Communication Disorder?2958 Words   |  12 PagesWhat is communication disorder? Picture a young boy trying to tell his playmates a story to the best of his abilities. As soon as he starts talking, his eyes start to twitch, his face is contorted with grimaces, his lips, limbs and torso are moving. To add the topping to the cake, his playmates start laughing at him. At such an age, this child is going to think he is abnormal and different from the norms of society. Whenever he speaks, he will have a moment of fear when approaching certain wordsRead MoreSpeech Disorders : Speech And Language Disorders1760 Words   |  8 PagesSpeech Disorders A speech disorder occurs when a person has problems with his or her voice or is unable to produce speech sounds correctly. Difficulties pronouncing sounds, articulation disorders, and stuttering are examples of speech disorders (â€Å"Speech and Language Disorders and Diseases†, 2016). Some of the common speech and voice disorders in adulthood include Dysarthria, Apraxia, and voice disturbances. Dysarthria is when a person has an ongoing difficulty expressing certain sounds or words

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